Time is a pretty exciting math unit because the kids can immediately apply it to their own life and use it. So, I wanted to make it even more fun.
For this math game, I found that 3 students at a time worked best. 4 was a crowd. I couldn't let just 2 students play at a time because they were so excited about it!
To play, student 1 is the time keeper. The time keeper gets to set the time for the other players. I emphasized that the time keeper must know what they are are setting so they can check the other students. When the time keeper sets the hour and minute hand on the clock, they say "tick tock what time is on the clock?" This lets everyone know they are ready.
Students 2 and 3 are the time seekers. They write down the time on their white boards. The time keeper must check that the time seekers got the time correct. This way, everyone is practicing their time!
I also wrote the minutes on the table with dry erase markers for the first 2 weeks. They wipe right off with a lysol wipe.
In addition to our super awesome life sized clock we learned a time cheer! Students should just repeat after you. I got my inspiration from hearing army cadences. Lyrics are provided below!
Teacher: This is how you tell the time
Students: This is how you tell the time
Teacher: Have no fear you'll be fine
Students: Have no fear you'll be fine
Teacher: Step 1 short hand
Students: Step 2 long hand
Teacher: This is how you tell the time
Students: This is how you tell the time
Teacher: Have no fear you'll be fine
Students: Have no fear you'll be fine
Teacher: Short hand tells you the hour
Students: Short hand tells you the hour
Teacher: Small number has all the power
Students: Small number has all the power
Teacher: This is how you tell the time
Students: This is how you tell the time
Teacher: Have no fear you'll be fine
Students: Have no fear you'll be fine
Teacher: Long hand tells you the minutes
Students: Long hand tells you the minutes
Teacher: From 1 to 60 you did it!
Students from 1 to 60 you did it
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